Some thoughts about writing

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations” – John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

Before I begin, let me tell you that if I could quote you this whole book, I definitely would. However, it’s a bit illegal and I don’t want John Green to be annoyed with me (he is perhaps one of my favourite people whom I have never met). I’ve spoken before about my love of this book, so please bear with me while I ramble on about it some more. While the book is about a 16 year old girl with terminal cancer, it’s so much more than another sad book about cancer. It is, in essence, a love story and a brilliant one at that. I urge everyone to find a copy and read it, I just love it and I hope other people will too.

This quote in particular is one that stands out to me. I’ve always been one to stumble over my words as I speak, and I never manage to say quite the right thing. Thinking of the best thing to say has always posed problems for me, and I either spend too long caught up in my own thoughts that I forget to speak, or I just say the wrong thing. The advantage that comes from writing rather than speaking is that I have the opportunity to go back over what I’ve typed and I can edit to my heart’s content. No matter how much I do this, however, what I write never feels right. My brain seems to think in ways that I cannot express well enough with words. Believe me when I say I spend ages typing and retyping, trying to find the best way to illustrate my thoughts. I would never claim to be a perfectionist though, more likely an amateur.

I suppose that’s what so great about writing a blog though. I don’t need to be an expert at writing (as lovely as that would be). I can just write. I may never be able to explain myself fully, but I’ll give it my best shot. I just hope to always have an audience as brilliant as you.

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