Good things and bad things

Firstly, I would like to apologise for my recent absence from writing. I’ve been ill, had three family birthdays and my sister’s graduation. It’s been a busy time, which is a grand departure from the norm. Perhaps even more surprising is the current weather situation here in England. It’s hot. Sticky hot. So hot you can barely walk for 5 minutes without dehydrating. The type of hot where you just can’t sleep at night, so spend the whole day tired. The sun and heat was welcome at first, but unfortunately, it gets very old very fast. You’d think that English people would never miss the rain – yet here I am, waiting for some sort of relief from the heatwave.

Good things and bad things have happened over the past week, and I feel like this is one of those times to appreciate the good. Over the past week, my mum, my nan and my step-mum have all celebrated a birthday, and these are always times to celebrate. My sister graduated from the University of Nottingham with a first class honors degree – I watched on as a proud little sister. These are the moments that people will remember forever- and the mixture of emotions I have felt this week reminded me of this quote from Doctor Who:

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant” – The Doctor

When bad things happen, I have a tendency to focus all of my energy on them, and they end up consuming my life. This post is here to make sure that I always remember the good, and that everyone else does. The good doesn’t have to be life changing stuff – the good can be catching up with old friends, dancing around to cheesy classics or just sitting in the sun and watching the world go by. Just always make sure you make time for the good – life’s too short to focus on the bad.

P.S. I would also like to apologise for inundating you with Doctor Who quotes. I promise that I will broaden my collection, and will try to hold back from spouting the Doctor’s words of wisdom at you!

A hand to hold

“There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… Wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? A hand to hold.” – The Doctor

I absolutely adore this quote (I suppose that’s not really surprising, considering it’s from Doctor Who!). I think it’s always important to remember, that as an introvert, you should never let yourself get too lonely. I’ve partly got used to that feeling of loneliness over the past year, but I think it’s a feeling that never gets any easier. That’s why I really want to stop people from feeling that way. Being introverted, it’s so easy just to lock yourself away with books or films and forget to engage with the world around you. I truly understand that this is sometimes just all you need, but it is important not to shut yourself off from the world, and this is something I am now properly coming to appreciate.

I think one of the hardest things in the world these days is admitting to feeling alone. We live in a world where texting and social media means that you can talk to someone instantly, and so perhaps in many ways, we are truly not alone. But being alone and feeling alone are two different things. And feeling alone sucks. That’s why you need to find someone you trust and can talk openly with, and talk to them. Find a time when you’re both free just to sit and relax and just talk for an hour or two. Talk about everything and anything. A good talk with just one person makes you feel a lot better than a couple of seconds with twenty.

A hand to hold doesn’t need to be a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and that’s always good to remember. Family and friends are there for you too, even if they show it in different ways. Take it from The Doctor himself, a good companion can make you feel a lot less alone. So always make sure you have someone to talk to. Anyone. A hand to hold.

Nobody important?

“Nobody important? Blimey, that’s amazing. You know, nine hundred years of time and space and I’ve never met anybody who wasn’t important before.” – The Doctor

I love doctor who. I’m sorry in advance for the sheer volume of quotes from doctor who that may appear here in the future. What I love about this quote in particular is just how true it is. We live in a world where the media is dominated by either bad news or celebrities. When it’s bad news, sometimes I feel like there’s nothing that can be done but watch in terror as the world falls apart. When I read about a celebrity who’s ‘so human’ just because they carry their own shopping bags, it makes me feel like I’m so unimportant for getting on with my day to day life without causing a media storm.

This quote reminds me that I can be just as important as anyone else on this planet. You don’t have to be known the world over to be important. The world is full of good people, the media just likes to pretend it isn’t. The smallest of gestures can mean the world to someone else, and to me, that’s what is important. Check out the website and feel a little better about the world. It inspires me to be important.