Good things and bad things

Firstly, I would like to apologise for my recent absence from writing. I’ve been ill, had three family birthdays and my sister’s graduation. It’s been a busy time, which is a grand departure from the norm. Perhaps even more surprising is the current weather situation here in England. It’s hot. Sticky hot. So hot you can barely walk for 5 minutes without dehydrating. The type of hot where you just can’t sleep at night, so spend the whole day tired. The sun and heat was welcome at first, but unfortunately, it gets very old very fast. You’d think that English people would never miss the rain – yet here I am, waiting for some sort of relief from the heatwave.

Good things and bad things have happened over the past week, and I feel like this is one of those times to appreciate the good. Over the past week, my mum, my nan and my step-mum have all celebrated a birthday, and these are always times to celebrate. My sister graduated from the University of Nottingham with a first class honors degree – I watched on as a proud little sister. These are the moments that people will remember forever- and the mixture of emotions I have felt this week reminded me of this quote from Doctor Who:

“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant” – The Doctor

When bad things happen, I have a tendency to focus all of my energy on them, and they end up consuming my life. This post is here to make sure that I always remember the good, and that everyone else does. The good doesn’t have to be life changing stuff – the good can be catching up with old friends, dancing around to cheesy classics or just sitting in the sun and watching the world go by. Just always make sure you make time for the good – life’s too short to focus on the bad.

P.S. I would also like to apologise for inundating you with Doctor Who quotes. I promise that I will broaden my collection, and will try to hold back from spouting the Doctor’s words of wisdom at you!