Guilty Pleasures

So, I guess I have a confession to make (after all, that’s what my blog’s name is about). I watch Glee. I enjoy the ludicrous story lines, I enjoy its all-inclusion mentality, I enjoy the razor sharp put-downs, and of course I enjoy watching Darren Criss be just lovely. I love this show. Recently they made an episode based around the theme of guilty pleasures, so I guess you could say that Glee is my guilty pleasure.

That’s all fine and dandy, except… I just don’t buy into the idea of guilty pleasures. Why do we have to be ashamed of liking things? When I like something, it makes me feel happy, and I want to share it with the world. I shouldn’t have to hide it because certain people have set aside in their minds what is ‘cool’ and what isn’t. It seems like half the people out there are just trying to out-hipster one another, and they judge people who like popular things as if they’re just stupid. I can’t be the only person who thinks this is just ridiculous. We should live in a world where liking things is cool, and no one should have to be ‘guilty’ of enjoying things that other people don’t. There’s already enough hate in the world, why do we have to add to it over little things like television and music tastes?

So do something crazy. Stop hiding the things that you like. Screw people who judge you because of it. I’ll still like you :)

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