Some thoughts about writing

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations” – John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

Before I begin, let me tell you that if I could quote you this whole book, I definitely would. However, it’s a bit illegal and I don’t want John Green to be annoyed with me (he is perhaps one of my favourite people whom I have never met). I’ve spoken before about my love of this book, so please bear with me while I ramble on about it some more. While the book is about a 16 year old girl with terminal cancer, it’s so much more than another sad book about cancer. It is, in essence, a love story and a brilliant one at that. I urge everyone to find a copy and read it, I just love it and I hope other people will too.

This quote in particular is one that stands out to me. I’ve always been one to stumble over my words as I speak, and I never manage to say quite the right thing. Thinking of the best thing to say has always posed problems for me, and I either spend too long caught up in my own thoughts that I forget to speak, or I just say the wrong thing. The advantage that comes from writing rather than speaking is that I have the opportunity to go back over what I’ve typed and I can edit to my heart’s content. No matter how much I do this, however, what I write never feels right. My brain seems to think in ways that I cannot express well enough with words. Believe me when I say I spend ages typing and retyping, trying to find the best way to illustrate my thoughts. I would never claim to be a perfectionist though, more likely an amateur.

I suppose that’s what so great about writing a blog though. I don’t need to be an expert at writing (as lovely as that would be). I can just write. I may never be able to explain myself fully, but I’ll give it my best shot. I just hope to always have an audience as brilliant as you.

Writing is something you do alone

“Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don’t want to make eye contact while doing it.” – John Green

First of all, I should mention that I am not a writer. I was never the best in my class at English, and I’m currently a Biology undergrad. However, this quote from John Green means a lot to me and he is a brilliant writer (I recommend The Fault In Our Stars, never has a book made me laugh and cry so much). I have a story to tell, and right now, I feel like writing on the internet to strangers is so much easier than telling it to just one person in real life. Most people will probably never read this blog. The ones who do, might not like it, and maybe just one person will understand me. One thing is for sure though, I want people to know that being an introvert is not weird or strange. It may be different to most, but that’s not a bad thing, and I want to share this with the world. Introvert style, of course!