And now whatever way our stories end…

“And now whatever way our stories end, I know you have re-written mine, by being my friend” – Wicked

I’ve been thinking lately about the power of friendship (I realise this sounds very ominous, but stick with me on this!). Sure, true love is what people are always on a quest to find, but what about the perfect friendship? Someone who has your back no matter what, someone who you can laugh with, and talk to about anything in the world. Why does the saying ‘just friends’ even exist? Friendship is amazing, there’s no ‘just’ about it. Sure, if you’re madly in love with them and want to have their babies, then friendship might seem like second best. But honestly, could you imagine having a soul mate who wasn’t also your best friend? That’s the power of friendship. But there’s so much more to friendship than friendship with a lover. Where would we be in the world if we didn’t have friends to discuss the small things like the latest episode of Doctor Who, or the bigger things like the stress of a job or family problems. A true friendship has no agenda, and you’re there for each other in touch times when a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband might not be.

And don’t even get me started on the ‘friend zone’. If you really like someone, tell them; the worst they can say is no. If they say no, you can move on with your life. Also, I feel it very necessary to add that just because you are nice to someone, it doesn’t mean they owe you anything. Men that claim to be ‘nice guys’, but claim a girl is ‘friend zoning’ by not giving them sex need to sort their lives out. This does not make you a nice person. This does not even make you her friend. She does not owe you anything, she owes you nothing more than any of the guys you are friends with. Tell her if you like her. If she doesn’t know how you feel, you can’t blame her. Friendship is a beautiful thing, and it shouldn’t be ruined.

As Sandy, the male nanny in Friends, once said, ‘What’s the one kind of boat that can never ever sink? A frieeeendship.’ :)