What University Has Taught Me

When I started university, I was incredibly nervous. I was worried I wouldn’t fit in and that people would realise how desperately uncool I am (this has partly happened, but it doesn’t bother me at all!). I didn’t know what to expect at all, and having been through my first couple of terms, I thought that I would compile a list of the things that I have learned about university life. Feel free to add your own in the comments :)

  1. There is no end to the amount of television you can watch during the week. Thank you, Netflix!
  2. Meals are chosen by the amount of washing up they produce, rather than their quality.
  3. Frape is never funny or original – yet everyone will do it to each other when they see an open Facebook.
  4. If you meet someone with a name you can’t pronounce, you will avoid saying it for the first couple of weeks of knowing them just in case you get it wrong.
  5. People love 9gag, and no matter how much you try and convince them, they won’t believe it’s rubbish. Imgur and Reddit are the way forward!
  6.  Your ideas of what a good grade is decreases over the year.
  7. Hills are the worst thing ever invented.
  8. The people you meet in freshers’ week are not the friends you keep.
  9. You never have enough change.
  10. There are some people you will just never get.
  11. You realise how much you wish you could afford an en-suite.
  12. As a result of number 9, laundry is done when you have enough spare coins, not when it actually needs doing.
  13. Wikipedia is a saviour.
  14. Your day gets so much brighter when you hear your exam will be ‘multiple choice’.
  15. You compile a list of things university has taught you, and you hope they apply to other people and you’re not just a weird freak :)