3 weeks. 7 exams. And so it begins…

Exams, shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art like a British summer’s day – miserable, depressing and always leave you feeling cold. That’s right friends, it’s exam time! Well, I realise some people have already finished their exams, and some very lucky people will never have to do exams again (truly, I’m very jealous), but this is my exam time, and my goodness it isn’t fun!

My first exam is on Tuesday, which means my bank holiday weekend has been less than fun. Revision comes in many forms, most of them being procrastination. Who knew there was a limitless number of things that are infinitely more fun than revising? Watching paint dry, staring at nothing, watching cricket. Luckily, I’ve managed to get past these obstacles at least some of the time and actually revise. My room is coated with a thick layer of notes on everything under the biological sun (does that even make sense? I’m going to say it anyway). From DNA to RNA, phyllotaxy to phylogeny and monosaccharides to mitochondria, my mind is about to burst. I honestly think it has got to the point where as soon as I learn one thing, something I’ve learned previously in my revision just leaves my mind forever.

But what’s the most fun thing about this Bank Holiday? I have an exam on Tuesday, and the student bar about 20 metres across from where I live has decided to have a live music event all tomorrow afternoon, and for most of the evening too. So much for the campus wide noise ban, huh?

But what am I truly thinking about when revising? Is it the idea of getting a first? No. Is it the idea that all this knowledge will one day help to land me an excellent job? No. I’m thinking that the new series of Arrested Development has been released today, and I have 7 exams that start in two days. The thought that there are people in the world that already know what happens is killing me. If someone ruins it for me, I will cry.

So there we have it. Exam time. I’m sorry I can’t post as often as I’d like right now, but I’m stressed out and I’m trying my best. Thanks for being such lovely people, here’s a clip of another brilliant tv show, Green Wing. It perfectly sums up my worries of having exams in a totally new environment.