An introvert goes holidaying

For the first time in what feels like forever, I went on holiday last week. My mum decided it would be nice to go on holiday with the whole family, so this also included my stepdad, my brother, my two sisters, my stepbrother and my stepsister. It was a busy but relaxing week, so I thought I’d fill you in on my thoughts about my trip to the Greek island of Kos.

  1. The Greeks have a relaxed attitude to putting locks on toilet doors. While this may be fine in the comfort of your own home, this made me deeply uncomfortable in public, I mean, anyone could walk in on you. And then they did. A stranger walked in on me in the toilet. Luckily I was finished peeing, but still. She didn’t knock, and didn’t really apologise either. Needless to say, I was mortified, and this just added to my discomfort of public toilets.
  2. The people who work in the town of Tigaki, where I stayed, were absolutely lovely. They always had smiles on their faces, and would do anything to make sure you felt welcome. It made a pleasant change.
  3. As an avid internet user and general stayer-inner, let’s just say my skin is pretty much always an unnatural shade of pasty white. Until now, that is. Greece has only gone and managed to give me a tan. Sure, to the untrained eye my skin is still vampirish, but I have got a tan. I have got a tan. If I keep saying it, you’ll believe me, won’t you?
  4. There is only so much I can be around my family, and being on holiday is something that really tests that. Luckily, it was not nearly as bad as it could have been, and I really enjoyed myself. That being said, I did find myself sneaking off for the occasional nap, just so I could be alone for a bit.
  5. The sunset in the town of Zia is unbelievably beautiful. Please excuse the fact I only took the photo on my camera phone, but I just really want to share this sunset with the world.

Sunset in Zia

P.S. A big Thank You to Khinjarsi for my nomination, I will aim to fulfill the rules in my next post!