Homeward Bound

I’m sitting in a railway station, got a ticket for my destination…

So here it is, the moment I’ve been waiting for. I have my final exam in the morning, and I’m packing up my belongings as I head home for the summer. It’s been a stressful couple of weeks, and I do apologise for my absence. There have been high points (I managed to get my hands on a coke bottle with my name on it, without being a sad act who searches through all the bottles until they find theirs), and there have certainly been low points (Matt Smith’s announcement of his departure from Doctor Who, me falling down the stairs in the university library). But here I am, I have made it through my first year of university.

Now would probably be the perfect time to talk about lessons I’ve learnt or how I’ve grown as a person over the past year, just like the narrator would over an American sitcom. But to be honest, I feel like I haven’t got any of these to share. In sitcoms, at the end of a season there’s always a big life-changing event – a romantic chase through an airport, a big reveal or a tragic accident. None of this has happened (unless you count my fall down the stairs, which was in many ways, tragically embarrassing) as naturally, these things just don’t happen in real life. All in all, everything just seems a little bit, well… underwhelming. Maybe next year I’ll set off some fireworks as I leave my house, just so it all feels a bit more dramatic.

Despite these feelings, I’ve managed to surprise myself with how sad I am to be leaving. I can’t help but think how much I’m going to miss it here. I realise that yes, it is only for three months, and that there are countless things to complain about here. But I guess that’s the beauty of this messy in-between stage of life that I’m in. It doesn’t matter where you live or how much money you’ve got, it’s all about growing up without actually doing adulty things.

But back to Hertfordshire I go, and hopefully this summer will be full of sunshine and happiness and sunglasses and ice cream. I’m looking forward to sharing my summer with you :)